all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 2NQ 5 0 51.434333 -1.697165
SN8 2NR 4 0 51.472238 -1.689053
SN8 2NS 5 0 51.454498 -1.702803
SN8 2NT 1 0 51.460862 -1.691779
SN8 2NU 5 0 51.467737 -1.654965
SN8 2NW 3 0 51.466451 -1.667312
SN8 2NX 7 0 51.425011 -1.698046
SN8 2NY 6 0 51.426844 -1.697387
SN8 2NZ 4 0 51.427286 -1.691156
SN8 2PA 12 1 51.441974 -1.605823
SN8 2PB 18 2 51.442307 -1.605935
SN8 2PE 11 6 51.442501 -1.604754
SN8 2PF 1 1 51.419648 -1.733617
SN8 2PG 27 3 51.443495 -1.603608
SN8 2PH 16 0 51.444764 -1.603698
SN8 2PQ 10 1 51.44441 -1.602853
SN8 2GZ 7 0 51.445666 -1.602079
SN8 2PJ 3 0 51.443149 -1.602331
SN8 2PL 4 0 51.442515 -1.603661
SN8 2PN 5 0 51.442725 -1.601673