all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 2LQ 46 0 51.50019 -1.599127
SN8 2LR 34 2 51.426226 -1.698455
SN8 2LS 20 0 51.426014 -1.696645
SN8 2LT 1 0 51.425767 -1.698257
SN8 2LU 17 1 51.42455 -1.70071
SN8 2LW 5 0 51.435046 -1.708784
SN8 2LX 1 0 51.425187 -1.700188
SN8 2LY 11 1 51.424494 -1.692944
SN8 2LZ 6 0 51.42733 -1.690753
SN8 2NA 6 0 51.42711 -1.689101
SN8 2NB 6 0 51.427595 -1.689097
SN8 2ND 7 0 51.427149 -1.690193
SN8 2NE 2 1 51.443039 -1.67806
SN8 2NF 4 0 51.498012 -1.598397
SN8 2NG 11 0 51.423954 -1.679328
SN8 2NH 8 0 51.4389 -1.693481
SN8 2NJ 12 2 51.449338 -1.693094
SN8 2NL 2 0 51.449766 -1.698706
SN8 2NN 6 1 51.451255 -1.654976
SN8 2NP 10 0 51.482428 -1.683137