all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 2PP 14 1 51.442353 -1.595633
SN8 2PR 21 0 51.443639 -1.600729
SN8 2PS 20 0 51.444199 -1.601747
SN8 2PT 21 1 51.445633 -1.600108
SN8 2PU 3 0 51.448072 -1.598317
SN8 2PW 10 0 51.439727 -1.600649
SN8 2PX 33 0 51.444889 -1.595697
SN8 2PY 43 0 51.445332 -1.596399
SN8 2PZ 2 0 51.451145 -1.584834
SN8 2QA 11 0 51.449518 -1.584921
SN8 2QB 2 0 51.440563 -1.58001
SN8 2QD 8 0 51.441515 -1.59
SN8 2QE 62 0 51.446372 -1.598216
SN8 2QF 22 0 51.4434 -1.599336
SN8 2QG 17 0 51.442267 -1.610036
SN8 2QH 25 2 51.443236 -1.606661
SN8 2QJ 1 0 51.443174 -1.609784
SN8 2QL 1 0 51.444694 -1.607152
SN8 2QN 43 5 51.441825 -1.609595
SN8 2QP 32 1 51.442094 -1.609347