all postcodes in SO51 / ROMSEY

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO51 6BZ 8 0 50.971327 -1.590462
SO51 6DA 43 1 50.974931 -1.587411
SO51 6DB 30 3 50.9738 -1.593161
SO51 6DD 34 1 50.964675 -1.58816
SO51 6DE 64 0 50.958938 -1.588549
SO51 6DF 7 1 50.958111 -1.591248
SO51 6DG 23 0 50.971385 -1.583868
SO51 6DH 24 1 50.95742 -1.591595
SO51 6DJ 10 0 50.987002 -1.526627
SO51 6DL 17 0 50.987587 -1.544319
SO51 6DN 24 1 50.989292 -1.546251
SO51 6DP 19 8 50.99306 -1.550293
SO51 6DQ 27 10 50.982687 -1.55857
SO51 6DR 22 0 50.983168 -1.569887
SO51 6DS 3 0 50.985645 -1.578441
SO51 6DT 6 2 50.994692 -1.578729
SO51 6DU 6 0 50.991917 -1.584554
SO51 6DW 9 0 50.979522 -1.586231
SO51 6DX 24 4 50.985869 -1.588269
SO51 6DY 7 0 50.975406 -1.584373