all postcodes in SO51 / ROMSEY

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO51 6JW 5 0 51.012015 -1.574752
SO51 6JX 25 0 51.008098 -1.568317
SO51 6JY 4 0 51.004895 -1.567848
SO51 6RA 16 0 50.973624 -1.583777
SO51 6RB 10 0 50.973053 -1.585106
SO51 6RD 11 0 50.973494 -1.582653
SO51 6RE 14 0 50.973957 -1.581495
SO51 6RF 7 0 50.968987 -1.584772
SO51 6RG 8 0 50.973264 -1.586301
SO51 6RH 10 0 50.972486 -1.582053
SO51 6RL 17 0 50.973574 -1.58758
SO51 6RN 5 0 50.97163 -1.589676
SO51 6RS 1 0 51.001152 -1.574752
SO51 6WA 1 1 50.990012 -1.500024
SO51 6WN 1 1 50.990012 -1.500024
SO51 6ZA 6 2 50.986539 -1.540569
SO51 6ZB 1 0 50.98714 -1.540264
SO51 6ZE 1 1 50.986005 -1.542212
SO51 6ZJ 1 1 50.952363 -1.537556
SO51 6ZL 1 1 50.966586 -1.548352