all postcodes in SO51 / ROMSEY

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO51 6EZ 2 0 50.976182 -1.586976
SO51 6FB 4 0 50.996805 -1.551935
SO51 6HB 1 0 50.997519 -1.554724
SO51 6FD 21 1 51.00043 -1.55465
SO51 6FE 26 1 50.998026 -1.560305
SO51 6FF 6 2 51.002767 -1.566371
SO51 6FG 1 0 50.997862 -1.574839
SO51 6FH 7 2 51.00634 -1.576814
SO51 6FJ 8 1 51.005134 -1.581713
SO51 6FL 13 3 51.000537 -1.581156
SO51 6FN 9 1 50.998003 -1.586594
SO51 6FP 16 2 51.000725 -1.588408
SO51 6FQ 30 0 51.004002 -1.602589
SO51 6FR 1 0 50.99846 -1.596408
SO51 6FS 47 3 50.999522 -1.612702
SO51 6FT 22 5 51.012776 -1.609912
SO51 6FU 13 3 51.009208 -1.602444
SO51 6FW 10 0 51.002803 -1.596442
SO51 6FX 12 0 51.009601 -1.596511
SO51 6FY 4 0 51.005686 -1.585158