all postcodes in SO51 / ROMSEY

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Postcode Area

SO / Southampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SO51 6FZ 8 0 50.983005 -1.532209
SO51 6GA 29 6 50.995944 -1.543208
SO51 6GB 53 0 50.970643 -1.587634
SO51 6GD 20 0 50.969851 -1.587499
SO51 6GE 4 0 50.96962 -1.578258
SO51 6GF 2 2 50.955399 -1.536292
SO51 6GG 2 0 51.004303 -1.555628
SO51 6GH 7 0 50.970098 -1.58603
SO51 6GS 37 0 50.972567 -1.592688
SO51 6GT 14 0 50.971979 -1.591781
SO51 6GU 6 0 50.972318 -1.593502
SO51 6GW 5 0 50.97319 -1.591002
SO51 6GX 6 0 50.97368 -1.592194
SO51 6GY 7 0 50.971704 -1.595301
SO51 6HA 1 0 50.961655 -1.586333
SO51 6HH 10 1 50.986896 -1.59383
SO51 6JR 10 0 51.00072 -1.597486
SO51 6JS 5 0 50.972028 -1.582765
SO51 6JT 15 1 51.014662 -1.570623
SO51 6JU 8 1 51.016864 -1.580239