all postcodes in SR1 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR1 1JG 5 54.905065 -1.379844
SR1 1JE 0 54.904632 -1.379678
SR1 1JQ 1 54.905247 -1.380432
SR1 1JX 2 54.904576 -1.379257
SR1 1JY 2 54.90083 -1.377849
SR1 1LB 1 54.90527 -1.377921
SR1 1LE 4 54.905083 -1.378298
SR1 1LN 5 54.90523 -1.378873
SR1 1LT 13 54.905053 -1.379236
SR1 1LZ 1 54.904684 -1.379148
SR1 1NA 6 54.905988 -1.379563
SR1 1NF 10 54.906031 -1.379157
SR1 1NL 2 54.906466 -1.37979
SR1 1NW 4 54.906466 -1.379745
SR1 1PA 3 54.904862 -1.377118
SR1 1PB 0 54.904261 -1.377268
SR1 1PE 0 54.904667 -1.37748
SR1 1PF 4 54.904722 -1.377697
SR1 1PG 1 54.904631 -1.377791
SR1 1PJ 0 54.906399 -1.373554