all postcodes in SR1 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR1 1ER 22 0 54.906313 -1.376098
SR1 1XH 0 54.908973 -1.381391
SR1 1DX 2 54.907449 -1.380617
SR1 1HW 1 0 54.90534 -1.375645
SR1 1UP 1 1 54.907941 -1.376617
SR1 1UG 1 0 54.907645 -1.378524
SR1 2XQ 0 0 0
SR1 2AD 2 54.909352 -1.373039
SR1 2AH 1 54.903511 -1.374923
SR1 2AJ 1 54.905283 -1.375006
SR1 2AN 1 54.907939 -1.374263
SR1 2AP 0 54.90806 -1.373372
SR1 2AQ 2 54.904843 -1.375122
SR1 2AS 1 54.908459 -1.374084
SR1 2AU 1 54.908248 -1.374898
SR1 2AW 0 54.908026 -1.373669
SR1 2AX 4 54.908821 -1.374685
SR1 2AY 0 54.90859 -1.373333
SR1 2AZ 0 54.908543 -1.372866
SR1 2BA 0 54.908543 -1.372866