all postcodes in SR1 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR1 1PL 3 54.904454 -1.378339
SR1 1PP 1 54.904178 -1.380451
SR1 1PT 3 54.904213 -1.37853
SR1 1PU 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR1 1PW 1 54.90458 -1.378105
SR1 1QB 2 54.904155 -1.3814
SR1 1QD 7 54.906383 -1.380963
SR1 1QH 10 54.906283 -1.380699
SR1 1QN 1 54.905795 -1.380549
SR1 1QT 1 54.906949 -1.380954
SR1 1QU 3 54.905086 -1.380374
SR1 1QX 5 54.905509 -1.380617
SR1 1QZ 1 54.905329 -1.380511
SR1 1RB 1 54.904924 -1.380392
SR1 1RE 4 54.905097 -1.381136
SR1 1ST 0 54.905668 -1.381923
SR1 1RH 12 54.90588 -1.381218
SR1 1RR 1 54.905613 -1.381846
SR1 1RS 4 54.906036 -1.381995
SR1 1RU 1 54.904822 -1.38161