all postcodes in SR1 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR1 1WP 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR1 1WQ 0 54.918376 -1.420249
SR1 1WT 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR1 1WW 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR1 1XB 2 54.908607 -1.378447
SR1 1XD 4 54.908973 -1.381375
SR1 1XS 0 54.909718 -1.377884
SR1 1XW 1 54.905506 -1.374876
SR1 1AE 1 54.904976 -1.376539
SR1 1YA 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR1 1YB 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR1 1YL 0 54.918376 -1.420249
SR1 1YN 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR1 1YS 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR1 1WL 0 54.918376 -1.420249
SR1 1TP 32 5 54.907882 -1.379006
SR1 1WJ 1 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR1 1BH 32 0 54.907017 -1.378565
SR1 1TR 2 54.907912 -1.37969
SR1 1PS 0 54.904253 -1.379217