all postcodes in SR3 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR3 1AA 3 0 54.882785 -1.391814
SR3 1AB 2 0 54.884714 -1.398595
SR3 1AF 16 0 54.877742 -1.415252
SR3 1AH 20 0 54.887688 -1.396417
SR3 1AJ 26 0 54.886669 -1.395731
SR3 1AL 38 0 54.887278 -1.395441
SR3 1AN 35 0 54.886608 -1.394391
SR3 1AP 23 0 54.886509 -1.396185
SR3 1AQ 13 2 54.875949 -1.416383
SR3 1AR 10 0 54.887062 -1.397144
SR3 1AS 25 5 54.873563 -1.400555
SR3 1AT 47 10 54.874788 -1.401205
SR3 1AU 8 4 54.87587 -1.401721
SR3 1AW 18 0 54.885669 -1.395232
SR3 1AX 9 0 54.876226 -1.401061
SR3 1AY 13 0 54.876635 -1.403782
SR3 1AZ 17 0 54.87812 -1.406083
SR3 1BA 3 0 54.878591 -1.40698
SR3 1BB 8 0 54.8783 -1.408091
SR3 1BD 34 0 54.877916 -1.406616