all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 9JT 1 1 54.89231 -1.478621
SR4 9JU 13 0 54.89028 -1.493816
SR4 9JX 2 0 54.882645 -1.477561
SR4 9JY 4 0 54.88382 -1.470968
SR4 9JZ 1 0 54.884659 -1.469647
SR4 9LB 2 0 54.884052 -1.448345
SR4 9LP 1 1 54.890219 -1.45269
SR4 9LR 42 3 54.889287 -1.451362
SR4 9LS 10 0 54.888253 -1.451314
SR4 9LT 37 0 54.888376 -1.448553
SR4 9LU 2 0 54.887753 -1.452036
SR4 9LX 13 0 54.887315 -1.45248
SR4 9LY 11 0 54.887903 -1.453408
SR4 9LZ 23 0 54.88865 -1.453631
SR4 9NE 36 0 54.888708 -1.452555
SR4 9NF 35 0 54.889111 -1.454202
SR4 9NG 57 0 54.889475 -1.455086
SR4 9NH 13 0 54.887897 -1.456042
SR4 9NJ 17 0 54.887348 -1.455738
SR4 9NL 34 0 54.887205 -1.453885