all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 0JP 0 54.901181 -1.446585
SR4 0JR 0 54.900649 -1.448105
SR4 0JS 0 54.899931 -1.448224
SR4 0JT 0 54.899098 -1.448968
SR4 0JU 0 54.899052 -1.45059
SR4 0JW 0 54.901004 -1.445028
SR4 0JX 0 54.899731 -1.451704
SR4 0JY 0 54.901913 -1.449366
SR4 0LA 0 54.900972 -1.449894
SR4 0LB 0 54.901449 -1.448172
SR4 0LD 0 54.899704 -1.449786
SR4 0LE 0 54.899095 -1.44811
SR4 0LF 0 54.90012 -1.446287
SR4 0LG 0 54.900259 -1.447237
SR4 0LH 0 54.90015 -1.445149
SR4 0LJ 0 54.902455 -1.446006
SR4 0LL 1 54.903215 -1.447134
SR4 0LN 0 54.903847 -1.448028
SR4 0LP 0 54.902859 -1.444067
SR4 0LQ 0 54.90063 -1.445859