all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 0PA 3 54.904303 -1.449287
SR4 0PD 0 54.904824 -1.449295
SR4 0PE 2 54.904945 -1.450258
SR4 0PF 0 54.904554 -1.451217
SR4 0PH 0 54.9048 -1.451791
SR4 0PJ 0 54.904866 -1.452601
SR4 0PN 0 54.904945 -1.452054
SR4 0PP 0 54.905847 -1.452915
SR4 0PQ 0 54.903914 -1.452676
SR4 0PR 0 54.906097 -1.452644
SR4 0PS 0 54.903928 -1.453768
SR4 0PT 0 54.905619 -1.45223
SR4 0PU 0 54.905483 -1.45186
SR4 0PW 0 54.905641 -1.453136
SR4 0PX 1 54.90566 -1.451264
SR4 0PY 3 54.905363 -1.451284
SR4 0PZ 1 54.905169 -1.450008
SR4 0QA 0 54.90551 -1.449954
SR4 0QB 0 54.905905 -1.449842
SR4 0QD 1 54.90656 -1.449661