all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 0LR 0 54.903227 -1.445871
SR4 0LS 3 54.904224 -1.449615
SR4 0LT 0 54.904148 -1.450677
SR4 0LU 0 54.903316 -1.451686
SR4 0LW 0 54.903689 -1.44655
SR4 0LX 0 54.903248 -1.452514
SR4 0LY 0 54.902104 -1.453792
SR4 0LZ 0 54.901145 -1.454491
SR4 0NA 0 54.901958 -1.45526
SR4 0NB 0 54.902693 -1.455016
SR4 0ND 0 54.9006 -1.449057
SR4 0NE 0 54.903663 -1.454723
SR4 0NF 0 54.904941 -1.453239
SR4 0NG 1 54.904745 -1.455722
SR4 0NH 0 54.899679 -1.458376
SR4 0NJ 0 54.90464 -1.454458
SR4 0NL 0 54.901818 -1.446186
SR4 0NN 0 54.903233 -1.453184
SR4 0NQ 0 54.902744 -1.458382
SR4 0NW 0 54.903177 -1.448694