all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 7EP 0 53.069258 -2.025405
ST13 7EQ 2 53.063889 -2.034174
ST13 7ER 0 53.060971 -2.015746
ST13 7ES 0 53.05299 -2.001406
ST13 7ET 0 53.067417 -2.007928
ST13 7EU 1 53.078123 -1.987838
ST13 7EW 0 53.066622 -2.031731
ST13 7EX 0 53.079011 -1.973836
ST13 7EY 0 53.078492 -1.953371
ST13 7EZ 1 53.07472 -1.962286
ST13 7HA 0 53.086785 -1.96874
ST13 7HB 0 53.064931 -2.035207
ST13 7FB 0 53.078539 -2.04001
ST13 7HD 0 53.065372 -2.035998
ST13 7HE 0 53.065471 -2.034297
ST13 7HF 0 53.064428 -2.036191
ST13 7HG 0 53.073488 -2.038092
ST13 7HH 0 53.072067 -2.041063
ST13 7HJ 0 53.071762 -2.038675
ST13 7HL 0 53.070421 -2.04236