all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 6DH 7 53.107174 -2.022351
ST13 6DL 0 53.106725 -2.021066
ST13 6DN 0 53.108018 -2.023977
ST13 6DP 1 53.107542 -2.023486
ST13 6DS 5 53.106958 -2.022813
ST13 6DW 1 53.107291 -2.02368
ST13 6DY 0 53.107264 -2.022662
ST13 6EB 0 53.1073 -2.021945
ST13 6EE 2 53.107328 -2.018019
ST13 6EG 5 53.107705 -2.016973
ST13 6EH 1 53.107966 -2.013416
ST13 6EJ 5 53.107499 -2.013717
ST13 6EN 2 53.106807 -2.012698
ST13 6EP 0 53.108425 -2.014016
ST13 6EQ 1 53.10784 -2.016286
ST13 6ER 0 53.108263 -2.013299
ST13 6ES 0 53.10865 -2.012552
ST13 6ET 0 53.10785 -2.010431
ST13 6EU 1 53.107212 -2.009863
ST13 6EX 0 53.109378 -2.011133