all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 6JF 0 53.106014 -2.022589
ST13 6JG 1 53.105907 -2.022006
ST13 6JH 1 53.106536 -2.02169
ST13 6JL 3 53.105889 -2.021304
ST13 6JN 5 53.106293 -2.021095
ST13 6JP 12 53.105871 -2.020423
ST13 6JQ 2 53.106437 -2.022004
ST13 6JR 2 53.105853 -2.017899
ST13 6JS 4 53.106186 -2.019064
ST13 6JT 1 53.106177 -2.018183
ST13 6JU 1 53.105512 -2.017331
ST13 6JW 2 53.106392 -2.020767
ST13 6JX 0 53.106285 -2.01645
ST13 6JY 1 53.106105 -2.016286
ST13 6JZ 0 53.106366 -2.017003
ST13 6LA 0 53.105566 -2.016599
ST13 6LB 0 53.105629 -2.015598
ST13 6LD 0 53.106429 -2.01527
ST13 6LE 0 53.105728 -2.014642
ST13 6LF 2 53.105854 -2.013373