all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 6EY 0 53.110574 -2.010446
ST13 6EZ 1 53.110214 -2.009998
ST13 6HB 0 53.110502 -2.011014
ST13 6HD 0 53.109342 -2.011656
ST13 6HE 0 53.109962 -2.013479
ST13 6HF 0 53.110277 -2.013389
ST13 6HG 0 53.109557 -2.013927
ST13 6HN 10 53.105852 -2.024083
ST13 6HP 4 53.105852 -2.023814
ST13 6HQ 1 53.107102 -2.024083
ST13 6HT 1 53.105888 -2.024531
ST13 6HU 17 53.105934 -2.02238
ST13 6HW 1 53.105871 -2.021648
ST13 6HX 2 53.106464 -2.02356
ST13 6HY 0 53.106033 -2.018556
ST13 6HZ 3 53.106392 -2.023172
ST13 6JA 2 53.106814 -2.023187
ST13 6JB 1 53.105691 -2.019347
ST13 6JD 0 53.106509 -2.022407
ST13 6JE 0 53.106329 -2.022679