all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 8QW 4 2 53.106297 -2.136649
ST13 8QX 1 0 53.137892 -2.121726
ST13 8QY 4 0 53.133387 -2.113717
ST13 8QZ 2 0 53.124384 -2.118519
ST13 8RA 5 0 53.125966 -2.099919
ST13 8RB 1 1 53.124381 -2.08019
ST13 8RD 9 0 53.100883 -2.049335
ST13 8RE 21 0 53.108456 -2.035183
ST13 8RG 20 0 53.115621 -2.073884
ST13 8RH 1 0 53.107437 -2.079905
ST13 8RJ 1 0 53.110767 -2.098614
ST13 8RL 7 0 53.11759 -2.072632
ST13 8RN 63 3 53.119423 -2.07401
ST13 8UX 1 0 53.117708 -2.071482
ST13 8RP 13 1 53.124005 -2.077259
ST13 8RQ 5 0 53.113157 -2.075135
ST13 8RR 2 0 53.124086 -2.078113
ST13 8RS 30 1 53.12785 -2.081482
ST13 8RT 3 0 53.129298 -2.079197
ST13 8RU 12 2 53.124845 -2.084973