all postcodes in ST16 / STAFFORD

find any address or company within the ST16 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST16 3RX 34 0 52.809039 -2.092914
ST16 3RY 19 0 52.809802 -2.093687
ST16 3RZ 13 3 52.810667 -2.092146
ST16 3SA 1 1 52.811291 -2.097785
ST16 3SB 1 1 52.810989 -2.093467
ST16 3SD 6 0 52.814141 -2.097153
ST16 3SE 42 0 52.812491 -2.092432
ST16 3SF 35 0 52.812878 -2.091988
ST16 3SG 25 0 52.811657 -2.089596
ST16 3SH 10 0 52.811496 -2.088721
ST16 3SJ 34 0 52.811542 -2.087964
ST16 3SL 20 0 52.811028 -2.089195
ST16 3SN 14 0 52.823041 -2.107042
ST16 3SP 32 0 52.814364 -2.109602
ST16 3SQ 18 0 52.812232 -2.09031
ST16 3SR 1 1 52.810605 -2.109085
ST16 3SS 7 0 52.813147 -2.093323
ST16 3ST 4 3 52.828685 -2.109549
ST16 3SU 9 8 52.82952 -2.109759
ST16 3SW 20 0 52.806411 -2.106704