all postcodes in ST16 / STAFFORD

find any address or company within the ST16 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST16 3PR 0 52.814044 -2.115818
ST16 3EF 4 52.831369 -2.113237
ST16 3EG 1 52.831672 -2.115687
ST16 3NG 0 52.815675 -2.111134
ST16 3ZH 1 52.801962 -2.103456
ST16 3WF 46 0 52.810883 -2.112293
ST16 3WL 8 0 52.809651 -2.112394
ST16 3WJ 79 0 52.808908 -2.109662
ST16 3WG 12 0 52.811045 -2.111671
ST16 3WP 12 0 52.810416 -2.111654
ST16 3WN 6 0 52.809293 -2.110954
ST16 3WT 70 0 52.812281 -2.114623
ST16 3WR 12 0 52.812489 -2.113347
ST16 3DE 6 0 52.817538 -2.118795
ST16 3TB 9 0 52.817825 -2.118959
ST16 3DF 0 52.817435 -2.122088
ST16 3EB 2 52.817722 -2.123291
ST16 3EJ 1 52.81704 -2.119517
ST16 3DU 1 1 52.817958 -2.121259
ST16 3WY 0 52.811503 -2.112725