all postcodes in ST16 / STAFFORD

find any address or company within the ST16 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST16 3YQ 30 0 52.824759 -2.106601
ST16 3YR 27 0 52.815126 -2.121607
ST16 3YS 1 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 3YU 64 0 52.818368 -2.115444
ST16 3YW 33 0 52.808163 -2.086504
ST16 3YX 66 0 52.817738 -2.115739
ST16 3ZB 1 52.827771 -2.106282
ST16 3ZN 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 3US 3 0 52.807774 -2.10021
ST16 3EY 0 52.814383 -2.118341
ST16 3PU 0 52.814409 -2.118742
ST16 3AB 0 52.806676 -2.11206
ST16 3HT 1 0 52.82428 -2.109182
ST16 3DX 2 52.820846 -2.1165
ST16 3GY 18 0 52.815422 -2.121964
ST16 3DJ 5 3 52.822539 -2.115633
ST16 3AU 3 1 52.812763 -2.119657
ST16 3WE 0 52.808865 -2.096815
ST16 3WH 0 52.80846 -2.096918
ST16 3EW 11 0 52.815084 -2.118551