all postcodes in ST16 / STAFFORD

find any address or company within the ST16 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST16 3TZ 33 0 52.807018 -2.101588
ST16 3UA 16 0 52.806984 -2.098992
ST16 3UB 1 1 52.805952 -2.096586
ST16 3UD 38 0 52.80627 -2.092953
ST16 3UE 50 0 52.804484 -2.088899
ST16 3UF 13 12 52.819077 -2.114374
ST16 3UL 33 0 52.817437 -2.12059
ST16 3UN 28 0 52.813879 -2.098993
ST16 3UP 5 0 52.805176 -2.100441
ST16 3UQ 1 1 52.811888 -2.093751
ST16 3UR 1 0 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 3UT 17 0 52.807261 -2.100817
ST16 3UU 10 2 52.807637 -2.100146
ST16 3UW 52 0 52.813205 -2.098754
ST16 3UX 34 0 52.807929 -2.097985
ST16 3UY 42 0 52.807183 -2.097865
ST16 3UZ 30 0 52.807527 -2.095477
ST16 3WB 1 1 52.801962 -2.103456
ST16 3WS 1 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 3XA 10 0 52.80812 -2.094885