all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 1DP 40 0 51.466885 -0.222404
SW15 1DQ 32 4 51.466145 -0.219761
SW15 1DR 38 0 51.467182 -0.221831
SW15 1DS 26 0 51.467409 -0.222557
SW15 1DT 46 0 51.467533 -0.223589
SW15 1DU 12 0 51.467225 -0.224076
SW15 1DW 16 0 51.466429 -0.220767
SW15 1DX 49 0 51.467691 -0.223876
SW15 1DY 39 0 51.467694 -0.224734
SW15 1DZ 42 0 51.467713 -0.226015
SW15 1EB 23 0 51.466666 -0.219231
SW15 1EE 75 0 51.466396 -0.216809
SW15 1EF 7 0 51.465861 -0.218284
SW15 1EJ 4 1 51.466023 -0.21475
SW15 1EL 9 0 51.466023 -0.21475
SW15 1EN 50 1 51.466256 -0.215317
SW15 1EP 30 0 51.466891 -0.216847
SW15 1ER 4 1 51.466938 -0.216975
SW15 1ES 8 0 51.466985 -0.217693
SW15 1ET 40 3 51.467053 -0.218611