all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 1EU 19 4 51.467291 -0.220128
SW15 1EW 33 0 51.46648 -0.215812
SW15 1EX 31 4 51.467668 -0.221827
SW15 1EZ 48 15 51.467871 -0.222755
SW15 1HA 45 0 51.466148 -0.216487
SW15 1HB 24 0 51.465819 -0.216073
SW15 1HF 3 0 51.466862 -0.217271
SW15 1HH 39 2 51.468287 -0.224697
SW15 1HJ 37 10 51.468267 -0.226915
SW15 1HL 18 12 51.467848 -0.227781
SW15 1HN 10 0 51.467834 -0.22804
SW15 1HP 10 0 51.468875 -0.227294
SW15 1HR 12 0 51.46928 -0.227336
SW15 1HS 26 1 51.469909 -0.227326
SW15 1HT 13 0 51.470587 -0.227559
SW15 1HU 12 0 51.470916 -0.227906
SW15 1HX 12 0 51.471407 -0.227628
SW15 1HY 35 1 51.471128 -0.227006
SW15 1HZ 40 0 51.47095 -0.22599
SW15 1JA 30 0 51.470791 -0.225564