all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 1LN 51 4 51.468231 -0.222798
SW15 1LP 33 0 51.4691 -0.222549
SW15 1LQ 6 0 51.470264 -0.22583
SW15 1LR 31 0 51.469243 -0.223076
SW15 1LS 25 0 51.469455 -0.223413
SW15 1LT 60 1 51.469402 -0.224121
SW15 1LU 37 0 51.468619 -0.22526
SW15 1LW 40 0 51.469165 -0.2221
SW15 1LX 48 0 51.469552 -0.225618
SW15 1LY 44 5 51.468995 -0.228634
SW15 1LZ 31 0 51.469367 -0.226541
SW15 1NA 37 2 51.469607 -0.226926
SW15 1NB 45 0 51.470476 -0.223172
SW15 1NH 17 5 51.46413 -0.216249
SW15 1NL 41 7 51.464722 -0.217887
SW15 1NN 33 0 51.464786 -0.216776
SW15 1NP 24 0 51.465111 -0.218097
SW15 1NQ 4 0 51.464082 -0.220196
SW15 1NR 30 1 51.464608 -0.219849
SW15 1NS 40 0 51.464477 -0.218942