all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 1NT 1 1 51.464596 -0.218491
SW15 1NU 21 0 51.463742 -0.217934
SW15 1NW 11 0 51.464947 -0.21734
SW15 1NX 8 0 51.463978 -0.218645
SW15 1NY 39 0 51.463561 -0.218421
SW15 1NZ 11 0 51.46359 -0.219193
SW15 1PA 16 0 51.464263 -0.219656
SW15 1PB 13 0 51.463918 -0.220044
SW15 1PD 37 0 51.463717 -0.219835
SW15 1PE 12 0 51.462978 -0.220901
SW15 1PF 41 0 51.462058 -0.217798
SW15 1PG 46 0 51.462601 -0.219793
SW15 1PH 49 1 51.462139 -0.219523
SW15 1PJ 9 1 51.463085 -0.221472
SW15 1PL 42 0 51.463439 -0.222279
SW15 1PN 3 1 51.464232 -0.221197
SW15 1PP 5 3 51.464701 -0.216462
SW15 1PQ 38 0 51.461697 -0.217683
SW15 1PR 20 0 51.464411 -0.217548
SW15 1PW 20 0 51.463955 -0.220704