all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 8EJ 0 52.77298 -2.98094
SY10 8EL 1 52.77081 -2.980269
SY10 8EN 0 52.764145 -2.96647
SY10 8EP 0 52.759823 -2.958416
SY10 8ER 0 52.751873 -2.956508
SY10 8ES 1 52.750556 -2.963695
SY10 8ET 0 52.784639 -2.982063
SY10 8EU 0 52.784702 -2.988514
SY10 8EW 0 52.762872 -2.957105
SY10 8GA 40 52.84513 -3.041897
SY10 8GB 0 52.846781 -3.034499
SY10 8GP 1 52.84395 -3.040564
SY10 8GY 0 52.795175 -2.990783
SY10 8GZ 0 52.795233 -2.990206
SY10 8HA 13 52.848237 -3.042313
SY10 8NN 40 52.845087 -3.034964
SY10 8HB 1 52.833514 -3.03218
SY10 8HD 0 52.829031 -3.030424
SY10 8HE 0 52.810304 -3.00902
SY10 8HF 0 52.802952 -3.007781