all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 8QH 0 52.768854 -3.029642
SY10 8QJ 0 52.769255 -3.022833
SY10 8QL 0 52.77459 -3.021888
SY10 8QN 1 52.78374 -3.019421
SY10 8QP 0 52.784345 -3.0373
SY10 8QQ 0 52.773112 -3.044978
SY10 8QR 0 52.787021 -3.043223
SY10 8QS 0 52.790035 -3.030631
SY10 8QT 0 52.793738 -3.026119
SY10 8QU 0 52.789249 -3.027914
SY10 8QW 1 52.783595 -3.028922
SY10 8QX 0 52.78642 -3.022346
SY10 8QY 0 52.772843 -3.013917
SY10 8RA 14 52.849553 -3.044958
SY10 8RB 0 52.816772 -3.019007
SY10 8RD 0 52.818487 -3.022342
SY10 8RE 0 52.81894 -3.02302
SY10 8TN 1 52.84416 -3.037065
SY10 8WA 1 52.84395 -3.040564
SY10 8WJ 0 52.84395 -3.040564