all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 8HG 0 52.798189 -3.002908
SY10 8HH 0 52.795084 -2.989802
SY10 8HJ 3 52.794214 -2.991681
SY10 8HL 1 52.79343 -2.993042
SY10 8HN 1 52.793438 -2.994229
SY10 8HQ 1 52.792074 -2.981635
SY10 8HR 3 52.790094 -3.009662
SY10 8HS 0 52.799072 -3.006283
SY10 8HT 0 52.799776 -3.0102
SY10 8HU 1 52.803316 -3.00822
SY10 8HX 0 52.810408 -2.997776
SY10 8HY 0 52.812384 -3.005015
SY10 8HZ 0 52.81112 -3.009216
SY10 8JA 0 52.816813 -3.018444
SY10 8JB 1 52.818839 -3.020109
SY10 8JD 0 52.820278 -3.020645
SY10 8JE 0 52.819141 -3.022668
SY10 8JF 0 52.81994 -3.021723
SY10 8JG 0 52.816582 -3.028529
SY10 8JH 1 52.821911 -3.024603