all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY10 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 8LP 0 52.81296 -3.080032
SY10 8LQ 0 52.794458 -3.079113
SY10 8LR 0 52.810244 -3.081107
SY10 8LS 0 52.808003 -3.08433
SY10 8LT 0 52.800595 -3.094779
SY10 8LU 0 52.806929 -3.089718
SY10 8LW 1 52.810697 -3.079798
SY10 8LX 2 52.806067 -3.093524
SY10 8LY 0 52.806581 -3.097822
SY10 8LZ 0 52.799689 -3.111042
SY10 8NA 0 52.789028 -3.113219
SY10 8NB 0 52.799806 -3.120881
SY10 8ND 0 52.80165 -3.134976
SY10 8NE 0 52.808826 -3.124362
SY10 8NF 0 52.80968 -3.147884
SY10 8NG 0 52.795159 -3.131277
SY10 8NH 13 52.848937 -3.040384
SY10 8NJ 1 52.847885 -3.04391
SY10 8NL 1 52.84526 -3.036749
SY10 8NQ 1 52.798461 -3.129049