all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY10 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 0HU 4 0 52.791789 -3.399941
SY10 0HW 14 0 52.806014 -3.379005
SY10 0HX 2 0 52.795975 -3.381494
SY10 0HY 2 0 52.797746 -3.366791
SY10 0HZ 2 0 52.801302 -3.368742
SY10 0JG 7 4 52.82531 -3.301475
SY10 0JH 3 0 52.825245 -3.300865
SY10 0JJ 20 1 52.825178 -3.299586
SY10 0JL 6 4 52.824957 -3.301437
SY10 0JN 7 0 52.825384 -3.30219
SY10 0JP 7 1 52.825263 -3.303344
SY10 0JR 4 0 52.824976 -3.304137
SY10 0JS 13 0 52.824567 -3.304525
SY10 0JX 31 1 52.825942 -3.302919
SY10 0JT 6 0 52.82532 -3.305483
SY10 0JU 8 1 52.825554 -3.304688
SY10 0JW 10 0 52.824967 -3.30243
SY10 0JY 6 0 52.825993 -3.302371
SY10 0JZ 19 0 52.823934 -3.299134
SY10 0LA 1 0 52.824543 -3.29936