all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY10 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 0LD 5 0 52.823463 -3.29863
SY10 0LE 22 0 52.824102 -3.298501
SY10 0LF 16 0 52.823643 -3.296958
SY10 0LG 3 1 52.822212 -3.2946
SY10 0LH 18 0 52.821563 -3.293913
SY10 0LJ 12 1 52.82467 -3.303356
SY10 0LL 12 0 52.823623 -3.296305
SY10 0LN 26 0 52.82217 -3.295148
SY10 0LP 9 0 52.768269 -3.421968
SY10 0LQ 4 0 52.822042 -3.294226
SY10 0LR 36 0 52.760315 -3.432231
SY10 0LS 5 2 52.760571 -3.432684
SY10 0LT 10 0 52.761833 -3.441262
SY10 0LU 6 0 52.760422 -3.451515
SY10 0LW 14 0 52.823472 -3.297755
SY10 0LX 7 0 52.761759 -3.449992
SY10 0LY 1 1 52.766308 -3.45254
SY10 0LZ 20 4 52.759229 -3.455713
SY10 0NA 1 1 52.760961 -3.458883
SY10 0NB 5 0 52.758888 -3.455687