all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY10 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 0ND 7 0 52.777908 -3.477019
SY10 0NE 3 0 52.8074 -3.539676
SY10 0NF 1 0 52.791354 -3.553376
SY10 0NG 2 0 52.770342 -3.482948
SY10 0NH 5 0 52.743635 -3.453179
SY10 0NJ 6 1 52.750695 -3.474098
SY10 0NL 8 1 52.744671 -3.470546
SY10 0NN 18 2 52.753931 -3.412062
SY10 0NP 24 0 52.811487 -3.355781
SY10 0NQ 8 0 52.750166 -3.435883
SY10 0NS 4 0 52.810106 -3.353898
SY10 0NT 23 0 52.81042 -3.357899
SY10 0NU 10 3 52.810592 -3.356183
SY10 0PB 12 0 52.811863 -3.354383
SY10 0NX 3 0 52.810523 -3.35673
SY10 0NY 4 0 52.810343 -3.356739
SY10 0NZ 10 1 52.810423 -3.353715
SY10 0PA 23 0 52.811041 -3.353141
SY10 0PD 9 2 52.80938 -3.345819
SY10 0PE 3 0 52.809952 -3.331728