all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 0PF 12 0 52.808523 -3.353688
SY10 0PG 1 0 52.799866 -3.36331
SY10 0PQ 5 1 52.806411 -3.364138
SY10 0GH 5 0 52.810002 -3.355171
SY10 0AZ 0 52.809747 -3.359082
SY10 1AW 1 1 52.84395 -3.040564
SY10 1DL 1 1 52.84395 -3.040564
SY10 1DR 1 52.84395 -3.040564
SY10 1EB 0 52.84395 -3.040564
SY10 1EE 1 52.84395 -3.040564
SY10 1EH 1 1 52.84395 -3.040564
SY10 1EQ 1 52.84395 -3.040564
SY10 1EU 1 1 52.84395 -3.040564
SY10 1FB 1 0 52.84395 -3.040564
SY10 1FL 1 52.843964 -3.040562
SY10 1FQ 1 1 52.843964 -3.040562
SY10 1FR 1 0 52.843964 -3.040562
SY10 1FS 1 1 52.843964 -3.040562
SY10 1FT 1 0 52.843964 -3.040562
SY10 1FU 1 52.843964 -3.040562