all postcodes in SY12 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY12 0PJ 5 0 52.909714 -2.84025
SY12 0PL 7 0 52.909424 -2.839293
SY12 0PN 6 0 52.909769 -2.834913
SY12 0PP 14 0 52.907981 -2.832351
SY12 0PQ 24 0 52.907793 -2.841076
SY12 0PR 1 0 52.90612 -2.828509
SY12 0PS 3 1 52.9053 -2.825771
SY12 0PT 5 0 52.90673 -2.823406
SY12 0PU 3 0 52.907306 -2.822004
SY12 0PW 5 0 52.909758 -2.83527
SY12 0PX 6 0 52.905935 -2.821383
SY12 0PY 15 1 52.911147 -2.837987
SY12 0PZ 10 0 52.91259 -2.83522
SY12 0QA 7 0 52.916962 -2.830991
SY12 0QB 8 0 52.916549 -2.819249
SY12 0QD 5 0 52.908737 -2.819176
SY12 0QE 6 1 52.905039 -2.81704
SY12 0QF 5 1 52.896846 -2.815888
SY12 0QG 18 0 52.893606 -2.824703
SY12 0QH 1 0 52.901095 -2.825782