all postcodes in SY16 / NEWTOWN

find any address or company within the SY16 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY16 2BD 5 0 52.515801 -3.326368
SY16 2BE 4 0 52.516468 -3.315259
SY16 2BG 62 0 52.516255 -3.314191
SY16 2BJ 4 0 52.517528 -3.316956
SY16 2BL 5 2 52.518069 -3.31678
SY16 2BN 14 0 52.515175 -3.327186
SY16 2BP 27 0 52.518013 -3.316174
SY16 2BQ 21 10 52.516336 -3.315829
SY16 2BS 4 0 52.517533 -3.316455
SY16 2BT 2 0 52.5175 -3.315985
SY16 2BU 8 0 52.51776 -3.315459
SY16 2BW 21 0 52.517927 -3.316599
SY16 2BX 7 0 52.517891 -3.315802
SY16 2DA 3 0 52.515869 -3.323847
SY16 2DB 10 0 52.518888 -3.313474
SY16 2DD 4 0 52.512707 -3.335556
SY16 2DE 8 2 52.518403 -3.315036
SY16 2DF 11 1 52.519459 -3.316291
SY16 2DG 9 0 52.518788 -3.31524
SY16 2DH 7 0 52.51876 -3.314472