all postcodes in SY16 / NEWTOWN

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY16 2DJ 14 0 52.519776 -3.315328
SY16 2NJ 8 0 52.520049 -3.315027
SY16 2DL 4 0 52.519408 -3.314418
SY16 2DN 4 0 52.521706 -3.31316
SY16 2DP 6 0 52.520438 -3.314788
SY16 2DQ 17 0 52.519141 -3.314145
SY16 2DR 26 0 52.520298 -3.317658
SY16 2DS 44 0 52.521617 -3.316267
SY16 2DT 16 0 52.520724 -3.317361
SY16 2DU 7 0 52.522436 -3.317854
SY16 2DW 1 1 52.521181 -3.31422
SY16 2DX 8 0 52.518217 -3.31565
SY16 2DY 1 0 52.51731 -3.31717
SY16 2DZ 15 1 52.517411 -3.319399
SY16 2EA 3 0 52.517324 -3.319897
SY16 2EB 3 0 52.517454 -3.321139
SY16 2ED 2 0 52.517146 -3.321869
SY16 2EE 7 0 52.517522 -3.322349
SY16 2EF 4 0 52.516647 -3.323399
SY16 2EG 36 0 52.517236 -3.324552