all postcodes in SY16 / NEWTOWN

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY16 2NX 13 8 52.514682 -3.315518
SY16 2NY 1 1 52.514667 -3.315514
SY16 2NZ 4 4 52.514796 -3.317378
SY16 2PD 5 4 52.514366 -3.315049
SY16 2PG 1 1 52.514559 -3.314715
SY16 2PL 1 1 52.514006 -3.317514
SY16 2PN 1 1 52.515015 -3.315775
SY16 2PP 1 1 52.514704 -3.315442
SY16 2PQ 34 14 52.514353 -3.31465
SY16 2PR 6 0 52.519222 -3.31092
SY16 2PS 18 0 52.519292 -3.306191
SY16 2PT 10 0 52.518916 -3.31175
SY16 2PU 7 0 52.520105 -3.306701
SY16 2PZ 1 1 52.513608 -3.318607
SY16 2QA 16 0 52.522234 -3.31095
SY16 2QB 34 0 52.521123 -3.311359
SY16 2QD 16 0 52.521501 -3.310575
SY16 2QE 44 0 52.521863 -3.30948
SY16 2QF 32 1 52.516611 -3.311313
SY16 2QG 26 0 52.521744 -3.308062