all postcodes in SY16 / NEWTOWN

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY16 2LN 4 4 52.514586 -3.31392
SY16 2LP 2 1 52.51491 -3.31436
SY16 2LQ 22 0 52.520918 -3.308774
SY16 2LR 4 3 52.51481 -3.314752
SY16 2LS 1 1 52.515115 -3.314791
SY16 2LT 4 2 52.515162 -3.314397
SY16 2LU 5 4 52.515657 -3.315915
SY16 2LW 14 8 52.514895 -3.314431
SY16 2LX 1 1 52.515172 -3.315382
SY16 2LY 1 1 52.515642 -3.315912
SY16 2LZ 1 1 52.51576 -3.315871
SY16 2NA 16 10 52.51625 -3.316299
SY16 2ND 8 0 52.518792 -3.310759
SY16 2NE 1 1 52.516365 -3.316405
SY16 2NG 1 1 52.516351 -3.316891
SY16 2NH 30 4 52.516403 -3.317573
SY16 2NP 6 3 52.514776 -3.316181
SY16 2NR 2 2 52.514684 -3.31637
SY16 2NT 1 1 52.514915 -3.315846
SY16 2NU 1 1 52.514895 -3.316007