all postcodes in SY21 / WELSHPOOL

find any address or company within the SY21 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY21 9BA 2 0 52.632795 -3.247687
SY21 9BB 6 0 52.662833 -3.258907
SY21 9BD 4 0 52.660413 -3.226442
SY21 9BE 2 0 52.668506 -3.22507
SY21 9BG 2 0 52.667317 -3.203387
SY21 9BH 7 0 52.641589 -3.236675
SY21 9BJ 5 0 52.640286 -3.236579
SY21 9BL 30 0 52.697504 -3.146788
SY21 9BN 4 0 52.667049 -3.157481
SY21 9BP 3 0 52.672301 -3.157294
SY21 9BQ 20 0 52.641552 -3.235063
SY21 9BS 4 1 52.675254 -3.15965
SY21 9BT 5 0 52.683804 -3.161444
SY21 9BU 1 1 52.682508 -3.165286
SY21 9BW 17 1 52.671451 -3.161501
SY21 9BX 8 0 52.687639 -3.16455
SY21 9BY 3 0 52.691012 -3.170794
SY21 9BZ 13 1 52.693624 -3.170332
SY21 9DA 17 0 52.68722 -3.193666
SY21 9DB 4 1 52.683575 -3.217387