all postcodes in SY21 / WELSHPOOL

find any address or company within the SY21 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY21 9JR 1 0 52.675827 -3.120647
SY21 9JS 16 1 52.694956 -3.102611
SY21 9JX 11 0 52.706928 -3.104941
SY21 9JT 14 0 52.694607 -3.103416
SY21 9JU 5 0 52.701231 -3.098848
SY21 9JY 3 0 52.695672 -3.114512
SY21 9JZ 1 0 52.68848 -3.118338
SY21 9LA 7 0 52.712302 -3.091532
SY21 9LB 3 0 52.721155 -3.080027
SY21 9LD 4 0 52.724278 -3.076595
SY21 9LE 5 0 52.730624 -3.096373
SY21 9LF 7 0 52.720481 -3.09566
SY21 9LG 3 0 52.712803 -3.102514
SY21 9LH 9 0 52.717486 -3.104542
SY21 9LJ 8 0 52.716618 -3.116541
SY21 9LL 6 0 52.717111 -3.121454
SY21 9LN 4 0 52.715041 -3.1226
SY21 9LP 4 0 52.705648 -3.132912
SY21 9LQ 4 0 52.713255 -3.108935
SY21 9LW 8 0 52.714369 -3.12994