all postcodes in SY21 / WELSHPOOL

find any address or company within the SY21 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY21 9DD 6 0 52.678218 -3.233849
SY21 9DE 1 0 52.673866 -3.232143
SY21 9DF 8 0 52.6868 -3.228143
SY21 9DG 16 2 52.701504 -3.201281
SY21 9DH 3 0 52.707991 -3.168392
SY21 9DJ 7 1 52.709653 -3.192875
SY21 9DL 26 1 52.717495 -3.200625
SY21 9DN 5 0 52.71683 -3.195306
SY21 9DP 12 0 52.721098 -3.169924
SY21 9DQ 1 0 52.696346 -3.17326
SY21 9DR 8 0 52.720236 -3.164692
SY21 9DS 16 1 52.718891 -3.153331
SY21 9DT 10 0 52.710071 -3.16078
SY21 9DU 2 0 52.704771 -3.176414
SY21 9DW 2 0 52.71536 -3.179216
SY21 9DX 17 0 52.641809 -3.237095
SY21 9DZ 37 0 52.641045 -3.241448
SY21 9EA 12 0 52.650162 -3.323525
SY21 9EB 5 0 52.65014 -3.322283
SY21 9ED 15 0 52.657288 -3.31005