all postcodes in SY21 / WELSHPOOL

find any address or company within the SY21 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY21 9EE 6 0 52.657366 -3.276565
SY21 9EG 6 0 52.660814 -3.275291
SY21 9EH 4 0 52.664285 -3.282785
SY21 9EJ 13 0 52.667825 -3.280952
SY21 9EL 13 0 52.670004 -3.294222
SY21 9EN 11 0 52.664042 -3.291073
SY21 9EP 9 0 52.662663 -3.265512
SY21 9EQ 4 0 52.667946 -3.275868
SY21 9ER 6 0 52.668538 -3.257548
SY21 9ES 3 0 52.66913 -3.234583
SY21 9ET 2 0 52.660192 -3.270157
SY21 9EU 6 0 52.654938 -3.258118
SY21 9EW 8 1 52.661056 -3.270877
SY21 9EX 6 0 52.647415 -3.247762
SY21 9EY 6 0 52.647079 -3.268387
SY21 9EZ 10 0 52.642507 -3.283034
SY21 9HA 7 0 52.645526 -3.2816
SY21 9HB 5 0 52.649609 -3.29223
SY21 9HD 2 0 52.644643 -3.293015
SY21 9HE 3 0 52.647191 -3.298751