all postcodes in SY22 / LLANFECHAIN

find any address or company within the SY22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY22 6JL 6 0 52.727052 -3.317383
SY22 6JN 18 1 52.698209 -3.324934
SY22 6JP 8 0 52.702892 -3.333808
SY22 6JR 8 0 52.708803 -3.339806
SY22 6JS 5 0 52.704952 -3.32243
SY22 6JW 6 0 52.689857 -3.318452
SY22 6JX 30 0 52.781844 -3.085723
SY22 6JY 11 0 52.785487 -3.0928
SY22 6JZ 14 0 52.786565 -3.096756
SY22 6LA 31 0 52.780254 -3.098673
SY22 6LB 3 0 52.781875 -3.106187
SY22 6LD 3 0 52.787762 -3.100538
SY22 6LH 14 0 52.783111 -3.11962
SY22 6LE 2 0 52.782035 -3.113632
SY22 6LF 5 0 52.775461 -3.110427
SY22 6LG 11 0 52.781144 -3.079125
SY22 6LJ 9 0 52.779688 -3.098689
SY22 6LP 4 2 52.75835 -3.080219
SY22 6LQ 9 1 52.78026 -3.069466
SY22 6NA 10 0 52.758767 -3.077208