all postcodes in SY22 / LLANFECHAIN

find any address or company within the SY22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY22 6QH 1 0 52.74404 -3.128589
SY22 6QJ 14 0 52.734441 -3.134028
SY22 6QL 30 1 52.730657 -3.12737
SY22 6QN 9 0 52.729683 -3.151068
SY22 6QP 7 1 52.721312 -3.147442
SY22 6QQ 8 0 52.744867 -3.147896
SY22 6QR 4 0 52.73301 -3.113376
SY22 6QS 5 0 52.73335 -3.102929
SY22 6QT 20 0 52.754409 -3.075071
SY22 6QU 6 0 52.759924 -3.081534
SY22 6QW 7 0 52.724794 -3.161941
SY22 6QX 44 0 52.732103 -3.102616
SY22 6QY 6 0 52.777683 -3.087591
SY22 6QZ 13 0 52.766532 -3.085994
SY22 6RA 2 0 52.764058 -3.085206
SY22 6RB 20 3 52.761393 -3.084016
SY22 6SW 19 0 52.762125 -3.077721
SY22 6RD 1 1 52.760306 -3.082981
SY22 6RE 12 4 52.758748 -3.084867
SY22 6RF 17 0 52.757837 -3.082579