all postcodes in SY22 / LLANFECHAIN

find any address or company within the SY22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY22 6XL 12 0 52.775186 -3.199632
SY22 6XN 13 0 52.775355 -3.198851
SY22 6XP 18 0 52.772248 -3.161485
SY22 6XQ 8 1 52.789747 -3.186967
SY22 6XR 8 0 52.766533 -3.158413
SY22 6XS 15 1 52.760495 -3.17734
SY22 6XT 7 0 52.733167 -3.195057
SY22 6XU 2 0 52.731117 -3.188497
SY22 6XX 17 1 52.738907 -3.174534
SY22 6XY 9 0 52.740815 -3.183713
SY22 6XZ 25 0 52.717021 -3.215446
SY22 6YA 7 0 52.710734 -3.231347
SY22 6YB 8 1 52.704058 -3.233645
SY22 6YD 3 0 52.708362 -3.217351
SY22 6YE 2 0 52.698119 -3.236362
SY22 6YF 12 1 52.692376 -3.246041
SY22 6YG 10 0 52.683604 -3.267759
SY22 6YR 18 0 52.775037 -3.201867
SY22 6YS 8 0 52.774673 -3.200508
SY22 6YT 5 0 52.777699 -3.20535