all postcodes in SY22 / LLANFECHAIN

find any address or company within the SY22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY22 6NB 14 0 52.75895 -3.075938
SY22 6ND 7 0 52.758355 -3.078072
SY22 6NE 8 0 52.759086 -3.077735
SY22 6NF 18 0 52.758636 -3.074849
SY22 6NG 17 0 52.760037 -3.074958
SY22 6NH 16 0 52.757795 -3.075406
SY22 6NJ 12 0 52.759238 -3.076894
SY22 6NL 10 0 52.758091 -3.076436
SY22 6NN 5 0 52.758337 -3.074071
SY22 6NP 15 0 52.76015 -3.076413
SY22 6NQ 12 0 52.759337 -3.075904
SY22 6NR 7 0 52.759809 -3.075337
SY22 6NS 3 0 52.759191 -3.075085
SY22 6PA 12 1 52.778645 -3.097728
SY22 6PB 7 0 52.778175 -3.099925
SY22 6PD 9 0 52.7777 -3.101722
SY22 6PE 3 0 52.776981 -3.102608
SY22 6PF 11 0 52.775697 -3.10345
SY22 6PG 6 0 52.768174 -3.105157
SY22 6PH 6 0 52.757605 -3.11058